Documentary series
Theresa Khalil is my given name, a questioner who always see the big picture. In this documentary series I am inviting you to Join me on my journey to explore and document how people around the world are overcoming suffering and facing life challenges. How they view life, understand it, live it the best possible way and answer its big questions through their personal view of a religion or a belief.
Come with me and flip through the pages of the scrapbook of life
In the first documentary film, I surf the timeline of Wang Zoungyang. How discovering a new belief “Buddhism” was essential for him to overcome the difficulty of leaving his home land china and adapt to his new life in Europe. In this chapter of the scrapbook of life, you get to explore my observations and discoveries of what life is and how to navigate it in peace as I follow Wang Zoungyang lifestyle and engage with him in a long conversation. Feel free to surf with me the whole timeline or choose points to watch and reflect on.